Woman considering buying a car while salesman leans in the window.


折价交易, 支付, purchase price 和 down 支付: These essential elements of how to buy a car can help you find the right one for your needs 和 wants.

有很多 买车时要考虑的因素,从月供到贷款利率和以旧换新价值.  也, you'll typically need to prove that you have insurance before you can drive it home 和 it's relatively easy to obtain proof of insurance 和 to 增加或更换车辆 在你现有的pp王者电子官网单上. Here are some car buying tips to help you be more successful in the car buying process.


It's a common scenario: A car buyer looks to buy a new car from a dealership 和 tells the sales representative that he or she has a certain amount — say, 每月支付300或400美元的预算. At this point, the salesperson knows that he or she may be able to 出售一辆新车或二手车 to the customer for almost any purchase price, as long as 每月还款额下降 在预算之内. While it definitely makes sense to have an affordable monthly payment amount in mind, don't share it until after you've negotiated the purchase price, 这是你为这辆车实际支付的价格吗. You may be able to lower your payment by stretching out the life of the 贷款, but make that decision once you've already agreed on the purchase price of the 车辆.






Ask several dealers for their best "out-the-door" price, including sales tax 和 any additional fees or discounts. Then use the lowest number as leverage with other dealers by asking them to beat the total. 这需要时间, but it gives you a measure of control over the negotiations 和 may help you lower your purchase price.


Once you've settled on a final purchase price, you can 降低月供 通过付更多的钱. A larger down payment (typically 20 percent or more of the purchase price) may also help you lower your interest rate 和 could prevent a scenario w在这里 you owe substantially more for your 车辆 than it is worth.


换车一般是怎么做的? 你协商购买价格, then the dealer tells you what he or she will give you for the trade-in. 然而, you can flip that setup: Don't even mention that you have a trade-in as you begin discussions. 相反,确定你的汽车购买价格. Then negotiate the trade-in separately from the 车辆 purchase. 否则, dealers can simply lower their trade-in offer anytime they take money off the sticker price. Start the trade-in process by consulting 车辆 price guides 和 use several resources to get a firm quote. Start the trade-in process by consulting 车辆 price guides such as 没有什么结果凯利蓝皮书 并咨询一些资源来获得一个确定的报价.


Make a list of items that are a necessity such as size 和 安全特性 而那些是需要的. It is important to know your budget — this includes ongoing costs such as 维护、天然气和 pp王者电子官网, how you plan to pay for a 车辆 和 obtain a preapproved 贷款. If a new car does not fit in your budget, consider buying a used car to save money. Do your research to underst和 which br和s 和 models get better reviews 和 are less likely to be costly to maintain if repair issues arise.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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