


T在这里 are advantages 和 disadvantages to buying or 租 homes. What should be considered when looking for a home? Learn how to search for a home 和 what to consider when financing.

Owning a home has long been a part of the American dream, one that many Americans have already achieved. 根据美国最近的统计数据.S. 人口普查局,65.8% of all households in the United 状态s live in owner-occupied housing. 1

虽然…的过程 买房 通常是复杂和令人困惑的,它可以通过分成几个部分来简化:

租和. 房屋所有权

T在这里 are advantages 和 disadvantages to both 买房:

  优势 缺点
流动性: 租房者可以搬家而不用担心出售房屋或房屋在出售时的市场价值.
初始投资成本: 不需要大笔的首付款.
每月的成本: Monthly rent usually less than 抵押贷款 payment; in some areas rents are controlled; other opportunities may provide greater investment return.
维护: 很少或没有维护责任.
每月的成本: 租金会随着时间的推移而上涨.
股票: 租房者在房屋中不建立资产净值.
空间: 通常占地面积更小.
个性化: 更少的自由来装饰家.
税收: 不扣除租金. 2
购买 每月的成本: 用固定利率抵押贷款, monthly payments remain level; with a variable rate 抵押贷款, 月供可以波动.
股票: Homeowner can build substantial equity over time.
空间: Typically larger floor space than with a rented home.
个性化: Can usually decorate to make home reflect owner's tastes.
税收: Interest 和 property taxes may be deductible. 2
流动性: Ownership limits ability to move; homeowner must be concerned with selling the home as well as the home's market value at time of sale.
初始投资成本: Substantial cash usually needed for down payment 和 closing costs.
每月的成本: Monthly 抵押贷款 payment typically higher than monthly rent; other opportunities may provide greater investment return.
维护: Homeowner is usually responsible for all maintenance 和 repairs.



  • 有资格获得抵押贷款的: Most homebuyers purchase their home by taking out a loan known as a "抵押贷款." Although the actual st和ards will vary from one lender to another, 在评估按揭申请时,通常会考虑以下因素:
    • 信用评分: 潜在借款人的身份是什么 信用评分? 这是一个衡量贷款申请人过去处理债务的好坏程度的数值.
    • 定金: How much of a down payment is the prospective borrower able to make? 10%? 20%? 30%? 没有一个?
    • 贷款用途: 购买房屋是作为投资还是作为借款人实际居住的地方?
  • 每月还款额是多少? 在考虑贷款申请时,贷款人也可以进行某些财务“测试”." One such test limits the monthly housing payment, plus the monthly payments for any other debt, to no more than 36% of a consumer's gross monthly income. 例如, if a consumer has gross monthly income of $4,000, 每月的房屋供款加上任何其他偿还债务不得超过1元,440 ($4,000 x .36).

给定一个指定的每月付款限额, 下一步是确定月供允许的抵押贷款规模. 这个问题的答案取决于偿还贷款的年数和年利率. The table below illustrates the approximate total monthly payments 3 under varying term 和 interest rate assumptions.

贷款金额 4.5%年息
15年 30年 15年 30年 15年 30年
$100,000 $877.49 $619.19 $929.58 $680.29 $983.61 $744.57
$200,000 $1,754.99 $1,238.37 $1,859.17 $1,360.58 $1,967.21 $1,489.14
$300,000 $2,632.48 $1,857.56 $2,788.75 $2,040.87 $2,950.82 $2,233.70
$400,000 $3,509.97 $2,476.74 $3,718.33 $2,721.16 $3,934.43 $2,978.27
$500,000 $4,387.47 $3,095.93 $4,647.92 $3,401.45 $4,918.04 $3,722.84
  • 首付款及成交费用 : 贷款机构经常要求购房者以现金支付一定比例的房价. 根据贷款机构的不同,首付款通常在购房价格的5%到20%之间. 首付不到20%, 贷款人可以要求借款人申请私人按揭pp王者电子官网, which protects the lender in case the buyer defaults. 在一些政府项目中,购房者可能被允许在没有首付的情况下购买房屋. A buyer will also be required to pay certain "closing costs", fees 和 charges associated with processing the sale. Closing costs can be 3% to 6% of the purchase price.
  • Tax deductibility of interest 和 property taxes: 购房者还需要考虑房屋所有权的“税后”成本. 符合一定条件的纳税人可以从应税收入中扣除抵押贷款利息和财产税. 例如, 假设纳税人支付10美元,在一年内,可扣除的抵押贷款利息和财产税为5,000美元,边际税率为24%, 这些费用的税后成本是7美元,600 ($10,000 x .24 = $2,400; $10,000 - $2,400 = $7,600). 4


什么样的家? T在这里 are three basic forms of 房屋所有权:

  财产拥有 出售或出租 维护 老板支付 其他问题
独栋房屋 建筑和土地 业主可以决定出租或出售房屋. Owner responsible for all repairs 和 maintenance. 抵押贷款、pp王者电子官网和房地产税. 以居所作抵押的贷款. 更大的自由来个性化家庭. 更多的责任.
公寓 个人生活空间. Homeowner's association owns building, l和 和 common areas. 业主可以决定出售. 对租房的限制各不相同. Homeowner's association pays for most building maintenance 和 repair. 抵押贷款, insurance 和 taxes on individual unit; monthly fee to homeowner's association; 抵押贷款 secured by individual unit 在孩子、宠物、室外装饰等问题上是否可以更严格. 更少的维护问题. May have extra amenities such as swimming pools 和 tennis courts. Owners may be responsible for additional expenses or charges.
合作社 Shares in a corporation which owns building. Individual lease with corporation grants exclusive right to use apartment. 业主可以决定出售. New buyer subject to approval by co-op board. 可能对租房有限制. 合作社 pays for most building maintenance 和 repair. 每月支付给合作公寓的款项包括pp王者电子官网、税收、房屋抵押贷款和运营成本. Loan payments to repay purchase of shares in co-op. 以合作社股份作抵押的贷款. Can be more restrictive on issues such as children 和 pets. 更少的维护问题. May have extra amenities (pools, tennis courts, etc.). Owners may be responsible for additional expenses or charges.



  • 社区 : 房地产经纪人 will often refer to this as "location.“总的来说, 一个地区的相对吸引力通常会反映在附近地区的价格水平上. 个人问题,比如好学校, 方便使用公共交通工具或靠近购物等功能, 娱乐或工作, are important factors in determining what is a "good" location.
  • 家居特色及特点 : Specific home features such as a minimum square footage, number of bedrooms or bathrooms or a swimming pool. Many shoppers will list the most attractive features in priority order, in case an offered home lacks some of the desirable features. Keeping in mind that the home will one day be sold, 许多人都在寻找对自己和他人都有吸引力和有用的特征.


  • 房地产中介: 房地产经纪人 在找房子方面会很有帮助吗, 特别是那些可以使用计算机化的多重房源服务的人. A good agent will have extensive real estate experience, as well as detailed knowledge of a specific area or neighborhood.
  • 新住宅发展 : New homes tend to be more expensive than existing homes. 新房的问题也往往较少,而且通常有建筑商的保修期.
  • 分类广告 : 报纸上的分类广告(无论是印刷的还是在线的)都是有用的信息来源. Such ads can provide a sense of general price levels. 他们还可以为房主直接出售的房屋提供线索, 而且不是通过代理人.

1 Source: United 状态s Census Bureau press release, “Quarterly Residential Vacancies 和 房主hip, 2022年第二季度.2022年8月2日.

2 Based on federal income tax law; state or local income tax law may vary.

3 Payment includes principal, interest 和 estimated taxes 和 insurance. Property taxes 和 insurance are estimated at 1.贷款金额的35%.

4 Under the Tax Cuts 和 Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), 2018 - 2025年, 纳税人扣除的财产税、州和地方所得税或销售税, 限10美元,每年5万美元,000 MFS). 进一步, 只有“购置债务”(用于购置或大幅改善房屋的债务)所支付的利息才可扣除。, 第一个和第二个家, 最高750美元,000 ($375,000 MFS). TCJA还大幅扩大了个人可获得的标准扣除额. 许多纳税人会发现使用扩大的标准扣除额更为有利, 而不是要求逐项扣除抵押贷款利息和财产税.

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准备好成为房主了? Be sure to avoid these first-time buyer mistakes.

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