

Learn how to shut off water, gas 和 electricity to your 首页 in advance. 以下是紧急情况下需要了解的水电设施.

Every 首页owner should know how to turn off their 首页's utilities to help avoid damage 和 potentially serious health threats. 这个技能在以下情况下是至关重要的 自然灾害,但它在各种日常情况下也很有用. Don't wait until an emergency happens to learn how to protect your 首页. 提前计划可以节省时间, 挫折和可能的生命, 因此,请考虑在您的 家居安全计划.


天然气泄漏增加了发生  和 一氧化碳中毒, so it's important that everyone in a 首页 knows how to turn off the main valve. 也就是说,关掉煤气很少是必要的.

If you ever smell natural gas or hear the hissing or blowing of a gas leak, 立即打电话给你的天然气或丙烷公司. Typically, you'll be advised to open windows 和 doors 和 leave your 首页 right away. Only turn gas off at the meter if the gas company or 火 department tells you to do so (和 you can do it safely).

仪表配置各不相同, so try to ask the utility company in advance for the exact steps to shut off your gas. Write down 和 display the directions near the meter so you don't forget anything in a high-pressure situation.

Once the gas is turned off at the source, only a trained technician should turn it back on. 永远不要把它推到自己身上.

Your 首页 also includes individual gas shut off valves for various gas-powered 电器,例如 ,热水器,炉子, 干燥机 or 壁炉. To replace or move these items, turn off its valve rather than shutting off the main gas meter. These valves are usually located on the gas line just before it connects to the appliance. Typically, you turn the valve perpendicular to the pipe to turn the gas off. Older 电器 may have a pilot light that needs to be re-lit when gas is turned back on.


在自然灾害中,水是一种宝贵的资源. Turning off the main water valve can help prevent contaminated water from entering 和 keep clean water from draining out through a cracked or broken water line.

在温暖的地方, 水总管关闭阀通常设在室外, 靠近你家的水表. 在寒冷的地方, 截止阀通常设在地下室, 靠近热水器或设置在墙上.

To shut off water, turn the h和le clockwise until the valve is completely closed. 在确认安全之前,不要再打开它.

You might consider turning off your 首页's water whenever you leave town to help protect against 意想不到的洪水浪费水. Turn on 水龙头s to drain the pipes when you shut off the water 和 turn them off before turning the water back on.

You may also need to know how to shut off water to repair or replace a refrigerator, 制冰器, 洗碗机, 水龙头, 厕所或 洗衣机. Individual shutoff valves are located on the supply lines leading to these items. 顺时针旋转手柄,关闭水流.


It's recommended to shut off power before any DIY electrical work, such as replacing a light fixture. 但在任何自然灾害或电力紧急情况下, 你可能要先给你的电力公司打电话. 和天然气一样, only attempt to turn off the electricity yourself following a 自然灾害 or emergency if instructed to do so by the electric company or 火 department.

Generally, shutting off electricity is simple 和 doesn't even require a tool. 定位断路器盒, 通常在地下室或杂物间, 和 switch all individual circuit breakers to the "OFF" position before doing the same to the main circuit or fuse. 如果你不确定如何关闭电源, 或者其他电气面板的问题, 联系有执照的电工. 如果你经历过 地下室洪水, take extra precautions to help prevent electrocution — avoid electrical outlets 和 using electrical items, 不要将风扇或其他电器存放在洪水区域附近.

Before touching any wires or electrical devices, check that the power is off using a voltage tester.

等它安全了再说, turn the electricity back on by flipping the switches back to the "ON" position. 自然灾害发生后, keep the power off until a trained technician checks for gas leaks in the 首页.

Now that you have learned some information about utilities shut off, 你可能也会对安全提示感兴趣 龙卷风, 地震 or 森林大火. 随时联系a 状态 Farm®代理 了解不同 首页 or pp王者电子官网范围或可能的折扣 捆绑销售pp王者电子官网.

Customers may always choose to purchase only one policy but the discount for two or more purchases of different lines of insurance will not then apply. Savings, discount names, percentages, availability 和 eligibility may vary by state.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.







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